Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Clubs :)

Two weeks ago the best thing about Early College happened. We are now able to have clubs!!! There were so many awesome clubs to choose from, like F.O.R. Club, Service Club, Line Dancing Club, Technology Club, Debate team, Music, and many more. We all got to choose two different clubs to go to. I decided to go with F.O.R. Club and Line Dance.

I loved the message the F.O.R. Club offers of a no bullying school. I think this is good for our school because Gaston County has really bad bullying problems at some schools. We are going to start doing projects like Spirit Week, or have a compliment box, and other amazing ideas. The school is going to need to work together if we want to accomplish anything.

Rachel's Challenge, 10/10/2012

The Line Dance Club is my other club. I love to dance and just be silly so this club is for me. I took this class with Mrs. Waldrop over the summer with Commissioner's School and loved every single minute of it. Line dance mixes my two loves, country music and being silly. We always have a good time in her club and we always have awesome music. The music is modern country music which I love. Line dancing is best to do in boots but I don't have any :( I'm trying to get some for Christmas but my mom doesn't want me to get any because she doesn't they look cute.

Boots, 10/10/2012

The weeks to come in our clubs are going to be awesome and I can't wait until we get into our new building to do them in :)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Remix Blogs: Being Yourself

One of the things I love to talk about the most is being yourself. Today I'm going to make it easier to be yourself and not be scared. I once was scared to be myself  but now I realize how important it is to act like yourself. think it is important to love yourself for who you are and not to neglect telling people about yourself.

Being yourself is the best thing you could do right now because this time is really when people will learn to like you for who you are not what you act like.

Act 9/27/2012

Some people in our class right now are having trouble getting this through their heads. They act so rude and basically bully everyone that isn't in their clique. I mean like seriously grow up and get out of middle school and act like you have some sense. Sometimes I seriously wonder about these people and what made them so rude to people. That cannot be seriously how they act in real life around their parents.

I don't think anyone should be told how to dress, or what they should look like, or why they can't be part of a certain crowd, or discriminated in any way, shape, or form.  If you discriminate against someone because of that it is just a horribly wrong thing to do. No one should have that done to them for any reason at all.

Be yourself 9/27/2012

I think kids today have a hard time being themselves and liking who they are and what they look like. Society has many pre designed ways of how thing and people should look. If I ran society people could look however they wanted and how ever they feel comfortable with themselves in.

You should start being yourself because when you go to a highschool reunion do you wanna be recognized as the girl who was fake all the time just to impress people, or do you want to be remembered by your kindness and outgoing personality.
Fake 9/26/2012

I often think of this picture. People are so busy trying to impress others they forget what makes them happy in life. If you would just stop and be yourself genuine people will love you for who you are.

One of my biggest beliefs in life is to be yourself. I think you should start believing this also because it will give you much better friends in life and friendships that will last forever.

Be you 9/27/2012

I admit, I have lost who I am because I wanted to impress people. That was probably the worst time of my life, having to change the way I was just to impress people was a horrible mistake. Those people were so rude to me and I just took it because I wanted to be part of the popular crowd. The popular crowd isn't fun at all, I had to learn that the hard way.  Now that I know who I am I am much much happier and I have some really good friends. They accept me for me and that is really what I'm trying to say is just to be yourself so you can reap the rewards of being yourself. It may be hard at first but you will find friends who are much like you :)

Dr. Seuss, 9/27/2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Public Speaking

Have you ever won an award you really wanted? Well this week in public speaking class we can experience that for ourselves.  Our speech for this and week is going to be giving a presentation of an award and getting an award we made up for ourselves. We have to have a partner to do this, mine is Tyler, he gets to present me with the Dedicated Best Friend Award.  I made this award up to honor best friends forever.

Making up an award for myself was really hard because I don't think I am good at really anything, but when I asked my best friend she told me how good of a friend I was and I should do something along those lines.

When I sat down and thought about it I really liked her idea because I do think I am a really good friend. One of the qualifications for the award is to have eaten 13 pints of Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia ice cream. That is our favorite flavor to eat after one of us has had a nasty break up or when we just feel like eating it :)

This week I really hope I do good because if I don't then what good of a friend will I be?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Some of my Favorite Bands

My iPod has everything from The Beatles to Bon Jovi to Blake Shelton to Theory of a Deadman to Mac Miller. :) These are just a few of my favorite people to listen to. I love every type of music really. 

Growing up in a home with a dad born in the sixties and a mom born in the seventies who bot listened to eighties rock bands I have an eclectic blend of music liking. 

The Beatles are like the fathers of classic rock :). Some of my favorite songs buy them include Hard Days Night, Hey Jude, Penny Lane, Elenore Rigby, and by far my all time favorite, Let It Be. Even though one half of the legendary band are not with us anymore :'( they still are one of the most listened to band of all time. 

The Beatles 9/20/2012

Bon Jovi is perhaps my favorite eighties hair and rock band. I still listen to Bon Jovi today and only like a couple of songs by them. Wanted Dead or Alive, Bad Medicine, Livin' On A Prayer, and a couple of others are songs I live by most days. 

Bon Jovi 9/20/2012

Blake Shelton don't even get me started :). Other than being amazingly cute he is an amazing singer. He is currently CMAs Male Vocalist of the Year and is almost a married man for a year:(  Miranda Lambert is such a lucky girl. Blake mixes his country sweetheart style with rock influences making hits like Over, God Gave Me You, Red, Austin, and a cover of Footloose in the newly remade movie. 

Blake Shelton 9/20/2012

Mac Miller is amazing :) even though I can't play any of his music on school property he was amazing. Me and my biff, Susan, love to crank his music up extremely loud when we ride together somewhere :) My favorite songs by him are Frick Park Market, Loud, All Day, Donald trump, Knock Knock, Party on Fifth Ave., and Smile Back. really we love any song by him and love all of his songs. 

Mac Miller :) 9/20/2012

Theory of a Deadman is another band I can't really play on school property but they are awesome too :) Even though they were introduced to me in a really bad and sad way, they have become almost a part of my everyday life. They are the best band for break ups and cheating, they really sing a lot about these things and it makes you feel a little better after a messy break up. trust me been there done that, but they really are an awesome band. 

Theory of a Deadman 9/20/2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

My Best Friend

This week, I have decided to talk about my best friend. This girl is amazing and helps me through everything I have. Susan is sixteen, goes to North Gaston, plays softball with me at our churches league, and loves to be crazy, loud, and wild like me .

I met Susan almost three years ago on Halloween at my church and we have been instant besties ever since.We are basically joined at the hip, and do everything together.

Spending time together listening to Mac Miller and driving around places is one of  our favorite things to do together. We love Mac Miller and our favorite album is Blue Slide Park. We love to go to Frick Park Market and love to go to Parties on Fifth Ave..

Susan is amazing, she is always there for me through everything I've ever had. We help each other through horrible break ups with pints of Starbucks ice cream I might add :) Even though we;ve gotten in fights before nothing can break us apart. We will always be together no matter what, we are the perfect best friends.

Over the summer, we went to a youth camp and had the best time of our lives :) we grew closer together and loved going down to the beach. The beach is the best place to go because we can tan, swim, and look at amazingly cute guys. Both of us love to be tan and look at guys.

I hope people are able to find a friend like Susan, so they feel like they have somewhere to confide and tell all their secrets too. I know I would not make it if someone did not know all my secrets.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11 Found Poem

We Won't Forget 

Two massive square voids sited within the footprints
there's more than one way to soar
the pooled waters drain 
the falling water exerts its ancient power to console
there's a final gesture that seems designed to symbolize grief being drawn away at last.
 Promise to be both a powerful and a contemplative space
before the backdrop of two giant, churning memory machines
names are engraved, 2,983, including everyone
eventually, as the surroundings return to normal
the final architects of the 9/11 memorial will be the people who pass through it every day.

9/11 Memorial 9/11/2012 

This memorial is absolutely breathe taking. I believe it captures the grief of the grief of people but yet takes them to a calm, peaceful place. The water I believe is almost like saying give me all your griefs and let me take them. Although you won't forget 9/11 let me help ease your oain, I'll take to sadness away and bring you closure. 
The people who died are remembered in a magical way. The engraving of names near friends or co workers was ingenious.You get a sense of knowing they are with the people they loved to be around at work.

I think people are going to go there because they want to remember and to try and bring new associations to the place instead of just sadness, grief, and death. With it being a park people will hopefully have happy times there but also remember the tragedy that was thrust upon the city not long ago.

September 11th

Today is the 11th anniversary of maybe the scariest moment in America today. Eleven years ago four hijacked planes were on a collision course with some of the most populated building in America. To the world it was just a normal day, all that changed around 8:45 when a plane crashed into the North Twin Tower in New York City. Following barely fifteen minutes behind another plane struck the South Tower, later causing it to collapse killing many inside. A third plane hit the Pentagon in nearby Virginia, making the building erupt into flames. The fourth and final hijacked plane was shot down and crashed in a field....that plane was headed for The White House.

The city of New York was covering in a blanket of ashes that many say looked like snow. Many people did not survive that day, whether it be people who worked in the Towers or the brave service men and women, or the fire crews who went to rescue people....many perished.

Even though I was just four when it happened 9/11 could have really affected my life. My dad drives a tractor trailer and that morning he ended up being late to pick up his delivery...he was going to Virginia right near the Pentagon. If he had left that might have been the last day I could have seen my daddy. It pains me to know some people weren't that lucky and weren't just running late but were doing their job and had disaster thrust upon them.

Now that I am older I can understand the situation a little better, and to think people would be so cruel as taking thousands of lives without even taking a second thought sickens me.

People don't need to forget the many lives lost that day.

9/11 9/11/2012