One of the things I love to talk about the most is being yourself. Today I'm going to make it easier to be yourself and not be scared. I once was scared to be myself but now I realize how important it is to act like yourself. think it is important to love yourself for who you are and not to
neglect telling people about yourself.
Being yourself is the best thing
you could do right now because this time is really when people will
learn to like you for who you are not what you act like.
Act 9/27/2012 |
Some people in our class right now are having trouble getting this
through their heads. They act so rude and basically bully everyone that
isn't in their clique. I mean like seriously grow up and get out of
middle school and act like you have some sense. Sometimes I seriously
wonder about these people and what made them so rude to people. That
cannot be seriously how they act in real life around their parents.
I don't think anyone should be told how to dress, or what they should
look like, or why they can't be part of a certain crowd, or
discriminated in any way, shape, or form. If you discriminate against someone because of that it is just a horribly
wrong thing to do. No one should have that done to them for any reason
at all.
Be yourself 9/27/2012 |
I think kids today have a hard time being themselves and liking who they
are and what they look like. Society has many pre designed ways of how
thing and people should look. If I ran society people could look
however they wanted and how ever they feel comfortable with themselves
You should start being yourself because when you go to a highschool reunion do you wanna be recognized as the girl who was fake all the time just to impress people, or do you want to be remembered by your kindness and outgoing personality.
Fake 9/26/2012 |
I often think of this picture. People are so busy trying to impress others they forget what makes them happy in life. If you would just stop and be yourself genuine people will love you for who you are.
One of my biggest beliefs in life is to be yourself. I think you should start believing this also because it will give you much better friends in life and friendships that will last forever.
Be you 9/27/2012 |
I admit, I have lost who I am because I wanted to impress people. That was probably the worst time of my life, having to change the way I was just to impress people was a horrible mistake. Those people were so rude to me and I just took it because I wanted to be part of the popular crowd. The popular crowd isn't fun at all, I had to learn that the hard way. Now that I know who I am I am much much happier and I have some really good friends. They accept me for me and that is really what I'm trying to say is just to be yourself so you can reap the rewards of being yourself. It may be hard at first but you will find friends who are much like you :)
Dr. Seuss, 9/27/2012 |